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14 Golf Clubs Explained – What To Use and When? Beginner Golfer Basics

14 Golf Clubs Explained - What To Use and When? Beginner Golfer Basics

Hi, I'm Coach Shayain. Welcome back to my YouTube channel today. We'll be talking about the
golf clubs in your bag. And when do you know what club to use? That's one of the most common
questions I get asked by my students, which are mostly all beginner golfers. And hopefully one of you is probably
panicked because you might've been invited to join a group of people
that wants to play, or you're doing a charity tournament, or someone's invited you and you're
panicking because you have no idea what you're about to get yourself into.

And you're binge watching
a bunch of YouTube videos. So here's one on what the clubs
in your bag actually means. [Inaudible]. Let's get started with the first one
that a lot of you would probably know, even if you don't know golf,
cause you've done putt, putt or mini golf or whatever.
This is called the putter. This is the club that you would
use when you are on the green. What is the green? The really,
really, really fine grass on here. This is the green. So you use your
putter. When the ball stops moving, you use your putter and you try
and get the ball in the hole. That is what your putter is for. Okay. You can also use the putter
and what we call the fringe, which is this little patch of grass.

That's not as thin as the green grass,
but it's a little bit bigger. Okay? So that's where you use your putter.
You know that you'll be fine. You'll watch other people do it. Okay. The part where you get intimidated or
scared by is all of these clubs in the middle, you'll see a bunch of
numbers. You'll see some letters, you'll see a random degree. And
that is where the panic starts. So let's get the ones that have the P N D L and my this in some people's bag will
also be an S this is my sandwich, which says 56 degrees on it.

And then the other one, the P is called the pitching wedge.
And the L is called the law budge. But in people's bags, they have all
kinds of different. There might be a U. There might be a G don't worry. These are the ones where your ball. When you need the ball to
go really high in the sky, you needed to go over sand over water, any object or obstacle
you have in front of you. You need this ball to go very high, as close to the hole as possible
is when you use the L the P the S the S is called a sand wedge.

If you have an S make sure you
grab that, that's usually the most, uh, the most common club, a beginner golfer will use for the ball
to go nice and high. So not a sandwich, but a sand wedge. Okay. So the S that'll be your best
friend when you're out here, as well as your P or your pitching wedge. Your P also is a club where you use
anywhere around the green to get close to the hole. Okay? When and why, and what is a difference in what
happens? So if you come closer, you'll see my S my
sandwich, my 56 degree club.

It's almost like the club face
is facing the sky. It's really, really high up there. If you look at my P my
piece a little bit flatter. So what does that mean? The flatter, the club face is the further
the ball usually goes the more open, like facing the sky. The ball will go nice and high. So if I was to use my S my S will take my ball nice and
high. And the closed club faces, my ball goes low and a
rolls, and it goes far. So that's what all of
your wedges mean. Okay. So if you're 30 yards of your
clothes, you have to remember, am I going over an obstacle? If I'm not grabbing your pee and you
keep on chugging and you keep going with your P all right, next, let's talk
about these guys right over here. These are called your irons. They
go anywhere from nine, eight, seven, six, five, and then there's
usually a four and a three. I don't carry those because
I don't use those clubs. And if you're a beginner golfer,
you don't need to as well, but let's grab your nine and your five
to show you the biggest difference.

Two things. You'll notice, first of
all, the length of the club, okay? My nine is much shorter than my five. So it will be nine, eight,
seven, six, and five. That's the pecking order of the
height, the length of the clubs. Then if you come much closer, you will be able to see that
my nine is a little bit more, as we refer to it has more loft
or facing more towards the sky. Then my five does, my five is quite flat. So the fact that my club face is
flat, which I told you earlier, just think the ball will go much

It gives you more distance. If it has more loft or it's
facing more towards the sky, then that means it's going to go
a little bit higher and shorter. So for more distance, you need
the club face to be flatter, and you need the club to be longer.
Okay? So those are your irons. So for example, if I am 150 yards out to the hole, I will grab like my five iron.
If I'm a hundred yards away, I'll grab my nine iron. Okay. So that's what we have over
here for our irons. And then, then we have these clubs over
here, which get bigger and bigger, and people get very overwhelmed with it.

So the biggest one with
the biggest head is your driver. It's very long, and it has a big, chunky head. Okay. Then compared to I have a
seven wood or like seven hybrid. So what happens is,
if you look at the difference, look at the length difference and
look at the club, head difference. Massive. You can just see
one's a big birth though. One is a big guy. One is a
little one. So the difference, here we go. Let me tell you really,
really quick, which one you use, where? So the big one is where people will
usually put a tee in the ground, off the tee box. When they first
start and hit the big one. It's very, very hard to hit a driver
if you're new to golf. So if it's your first time playing,
I wouldn't even touch this. Just made rest in peace in your

There it goes. See, you never, and I would hit these little ones. These are called hybrids
and some are woods. So these ones will help
you hit the ball far, but you won't make as many mistakes
because they're much easier to hit as they're shorter. Okay.
So really quick recap, you have the ones with the big heads
and you should start with a hybrid. This one's a seven would, there
might be a five. And how do you know? You just pull them out and whatever you
feel comfortable with you go there over here.

It says five. Not sure if you
can see that, but that says five. And my seven would, it does not
tell you that it's a seven would, but that's okay. So if you're borrowing
clubs, I would try these ones first. Then I would go to my irons, which
we spoke about. It goes from five, all the way down to a nine.
Don't worry about three and four.

Don't use three and four beginner.
Golfers don't even touch them. Okay. And then we had all of
these fancy little letters, which were like a P and L
and my 56 is usually an S. So you're best friends for these. These are your S and your P your nice and high gets a nice and close to the
hole. Your P there's no obstacles. Keep using your P. If there's no
obstacles or objects in front of you, it will help you a lot. And then the golden boy, the putter, which everyone has to have in
order to play, that's what we have. So you need to make sure you
have 14 clubs in your bag. If you're boring clubs, I'm
pretty sure they'll have 14. They won't have more than that, but now, you know exactly what to use and
when to use them to start the game in the middle of the game,
halfway close to the hole, and then to get the ball in
the hole. And there we have it. I hope that really helps. If
you have any questions at all, make sure to leave them
in the comments below.

I'm always looking at the comments, making sure everything's
answered for everyone. If want to send me a private message. Go ahead and add me on
Instagram at coach Cheyenne. If this video helped click the like button
and make sure you click subscribe for more videos like this, see you next week..

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