– [Andy] Anyway, good morning. – Hello. – [Andy] How are you?
– I'm very good, thank you. – [Andy] You're excited
this morning, aren't you? – Of course I'm really excited. Look at these bad boys. New irons. Used them last week for the
first time at St. Andrews and today I have a bit
of a gapping session and work out how far they actually go. – [Andy] Yep. Is that because you're losing distance as you're getting a
little older, is that why? (Piers laughing) – Well, they are different
to the previous set. So I had P760s before, so they actually are going
to go a little bit different. Lofts are a bit different,
spins a bit different. I need to find out how
far they're going to go. – [Andy] Exactly. We're also going to be testing
out this little bad boy, the FlightScope Mevo, to see how good and accurate is on the yardages.

So we're going to head
to the 14th and test it. I'm injured, so I can't actually
hit any golf balls today. So it's all Piers. – He's running scared again. – [Andy] Okay, Piers is
just warming up there. Getting his body loose. Takes him about an hour now, to get warmed up.
– [Piers] Could take a while! – [Andy] And this is
what we're going to be comparing today. So we've got the FlightScope X3 here. This is pretty new to us this is. But this is a sort of
their premium, top end, which is $15,000. And then we've got the Mevo here. The FlightScope Mevo which is sort of the, I suppose, the more general public one. We're going to be comparing these, seeing what the numbers
and the differences are, and seeing how good this is
really to to get the yardages, which is obviously very useful. So let's see if Piers is warmed up and let's get hitting some shots. – So we're on the 14th hole
here, about 140 yards away. We're gonna actually get
Piers to hit all of his irons.

We're going to work our way back and just see what yardage. It's gonna be good for you…
– [Piers] Yeah. – To actually figure this
out, Piers, isn't it? – I need to find out what they go. They're going to be
different to the P760s. They're definitely going to
go a little bit less distance and yeah we'll talk you through
why they're gonna do that. – [Andy] Let's have a look
at what you've got then. So Piers, just talk us
through what you've got and why you gone for these. – [Piers] Yeah, okay. So 3-iron, 4 iron, 5 iron,
6 irons all in the P 7MC, so a little bit of forgiveness maybe from the cavity on these. But then blades. So the MB 7 iron through
to the pitching wedge. – [Andy] Blades? Are you
good enough for blades? – Well, do you know what? Yes (both laughing) But, do you know what, I think we both, we don't play a lot of golf, but we always strike it pretty well. So I think we can get away with it.

– Okay.
– Somewhat. – So the wind we have
to take into account, obviously, when we're doing these. It was down and now it's actually going
a little bit right to left. So we'll keep an eye on
that as we go through it. – [Andy] Okay, let me just
make sure this is ready. I'm ready to go on this one, and yours is there. It's going to call it out I think. – [Piers] Yeah, we'll hear it.
– [Andy] And we'll hear it. We will hear it call out. – [Piers] Okay, the pitching wedge. (electronic music playing)
(club striking) – Nice strike a really nice slice. (electronic music playing)
(club striking) Nice shot. (Andy laughing) – I nearly shanked that. – He nearly shanked that one. (electronic music playing)
(club striking) – [Piers] What sort of height
are we looking at on these, Andy? – [Andy] Height, let me just check. 101 feet. – [Piers] So anything between 90 and 100 is a good window for me
when I'm hitting these clubs or any clubs should I say.

– [Andy] Well, that was crisp. Nice and shallow on that one, Piers. Okay, 151.1 average then. – [Piers] Yeah. – [Andy] Pretty good. The reason we're doing this video, obviously Piers needs to know
how far using these irons, but we want to stress the importance that you should be doing this. And I think for the amount of
golfers that we've played with and actually coached, and we asked them and they have no clue of how far they carry. They've got an idea of how
far it goes total, Piers, – Yeah. – But how far you carry
the golf ball is crucial. If we said to you, how
far do you carry a 6 iron? Would you actually know the number? I'd say a lot of you are guessing. If you do know, let us know
in the comments down below. So let's hit some mid irons then, Piers. – [Piers] Yeah. – And now, the way you can do this, you can do this on the range, you can do it on the golf course. You can go and book a fitting.

You can use a device like the
Mevo to give you a good idea. But it's crucial to help
you on the golf course. (electronic music playing)
(club striking) – [Piers] Nice hang. Feels very solid. Felt very nice. – [Andy] That was nice. (electronic music playing)
(club striking) – That was a little bit toe-y and a little bit turned
over on the breeze. – That was a duff. (both laughing) That was a very polite way of saying it. That was a duff. – [Piers] It sounded ball first. – Slightly off the toe, yeah.

Duff. (electronic music playing)
(club striking) – It's interesting that the big thing for me with these clubs
now, compared to the P760s, I feel that I'm in a lot more control, so there's a lot more
spin on the golf ball. So we'll look at some of the
spin numbers in a moment. But for me, that shot
that I've just hit there, I've kind of pulled it a little
bit, wind's right to left and down, and you'd be
expecting that one to be big and left. – Yeah yeah. – With my P760s, but that one there is probably a pretty
controllable number still. – Yes, and one of the
things that Piers does, he de-lofts the, he
gets a lot of shaft lean similar to me, he gets
quite a bit of shaft lean which de-lofts the club
face, which reduces the spin. So for Piers to get a bit more spin, just enhances that control and gets it landing a little softer.

– [Piers] That was really nice. That's just like a little loft. Cut against the breeze. Getting very difficult for me to do. – They sound beautiful by the way. – They do sound really good, don't they? – [Andy] So average there on
some decent three shots, 169.4. So just under 170 there. Again, breeze there, so
we'll take that into account. – Yeah. – Might be a little less coming
off in normal conditions. – Yeah. And the thing is when you test and you have a wind like this, you take it into account and
then you just test again. So it's something you
should do regular anyways. It's not like you do it once a year. You should do this regular
so you at least understand what your dispersion of
distance is throughout the set. (electronic music playing)
(club striking) – [Andy] Piers had his first
game with these in Scotland, we went to St. Andrew's last week.

Played Kingsbarns, the
Jubilee and the Old Course. And I must say, when he hit these irons, they sounded really pure. They were beautiful in terms of that, and he actually had some really
nice shots up there as well. – You know, I had a couple
of shots, again, just again, look P760 is a great
golf, no doubt about it, but there were definitely
a couple of shots I was able to play, especially little fades
against the breeze. That was something I could do last week. I've not been able to do
that before with the P760. So that was exciting. (electronic music playing)
(club striking) – [Andy] That was just as pure.

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I mean, look at that, it's
just straight down at the flag. They do sound really nice. So in terms of an iron then, Piers, obviously you've only had
a few games with them, but a little bit of practice with them, how did they feel? How do they rate for you these ones? – So the big things that I needed out of the next set of irons I
had was definitely more spin, as we mentioned. So
getting a little bit more. Definitely got that from these. As far as the looks concerns,
they look quite similar to me to a P760 when I look down on it. But when you look at up here, probably looks a little
bit sexier for sure.

But for me, because I can
control the spin on these and the short times feel like
I've got a lot more control and I'm able to take that little cut, they're as good as I've used for, maybe since we've been with TaylorMade. – Yeah. – Probably the best ones I've had since we've been with
TaylorMade and maybe the best, maybe the best ever. Obviously we've just got to get into this and play a few more games, but as far as what they offer
from the spin, the flight, how I can control it
they're as good as anything.

It's a big statement. – Just needs to improve his golf swing now and then that's it,
that's all, he's there. – If only it was the golf swing at the end of it all as well. (electronic music playing)
(club striking) – So we're well and truly
into the cavities now. Piers opted for the cavities
in the longer stuff, in the three, four, five, and six, and then obviously the
blades in the shorter ones because the shorter
irons he wants precision, he wants accuracy.

Whereas with the longer irons
we all need that forgiveness, you know, a little bit of room forever. Forever? For error. – Room forever would be nice. – We want room forever. (both laughing) We want room for error, we all do, especially on those longer clubs. So, again, how do they explain it, is there a difference Piers? – Yeah, I mean. Do you mean from cavity to blades? – [Andy] Yes, yeah. – [Piers] Or from these
compared to the set? – Cavity to blade. – Cavity to blade, I mean,
they don't look too dissimilar, which is great because it's
always nice to have a set that looked quite similar
throughout obviously. You know the different shapes of the different irons obviously. But for me, not a massive
difference in the field. I'm hoping that when they
are a bit more off center, which they probably will be
maybe with a 3, 4, or 5 iron that they're just going to perform well. (electronic music playing)
(club striking) – [Piers] I hope it's better
than that though, Andy. – That was a ripper. That was really pure. (electronic music playing)
(club striking) That's like a bullet that was, Piers.

– A little lower than I
would like. It's gone miles. – [Andy] Great at St. Andrews that one. – [Piers] Yeah a little lower. Maybe think about ball position
for the four potentially, I think for a lot of golfers, when they're going through this here, they'll find that they're
hitting their 3 and 4 irons very similar to their 5 irons on carry. And this is something
that you may find out by doing this test. Really important that you look at that because you could be wasting
two clubs in the set, whereas with a three and a four
hybrid might be much better for you to get that height and get that different
gapping on the shot. – [Andy] Yeah, we just did a
recent video on the actually, which was good. Just showing the differences between that. Really worth checking out as well. – [Piers] For sure. – [Andy] Okay, give me
one more than Piers. – [Piers] One more. – [Andy] And then you're ready to go. You're armed with all your yardages.

You've got your averages.
You can work them all out. You can take into the course. No guesswork. – I'm ready to go into
the sauna or something. Or go to sleep. (club striking) – [Piers] Beautiful strike. – [Andy] Yeah, nice. – [Piers] Feel nice there, Andrew? – [Andy] That's good, that's good. I think that's a decent one there to measure that off there Piers. But, yeah, good. I mean, see it's just a really
important exercise to do, isn't it?
– [Piers] Indeed. – [Andy] Now you're armed
with all those yardages.

Next time you go on the golf course, you've got a slightly better
chance of competing with me. – No problem at all. (Andy
laughing) No problem at all. – Slightly better chance. We need to have a, actually
I'm injured at the moment, so I need to get fit and
well before I do that. – Just interesting on that one, I think when you do this yourselves and you get your yardages, make a note of them and then test again. Maybe a couple of months later whatever, just keep in mind what these yardages are. You could even go to the point
where you write them down and actually sit them on the golf shaft. Justin Rose does that. So if he can do it, why
would you not do it? – So we strongly recommend
that you do that. Either go and book a
fitting on the golf course, driving range, or even check
out the FlightScope Mevo, it's a great tool. There wasn't much difference. There was a difference
between the X3 and the Mevo, two or three yards consistently, but you'd expect that. This one is actually predicting it. Now, if you are interested, FlightScope are going
to do you guys a deal.

They're going to do a 10%
discount off any of the Mevos. All you need to do is use this code. And the link is in the description below. Now, before you go anywhere, are you somebody who struggles with inconsistent ball
striking with your irons? Hitting it heavy, hitting it thin, and lacking a bit of confidence. Well, we've created ultimate irons, a coaching plan dedicated to irons that have seen thousands of our members have incredible results.
– Yeah, do you know what? It really will help you
strike the golf ball more consistently than ever. We even talk about sloping
lies, trouble shots, playing in the wind, just like today, and also the difference between
your long and short irons. And we also talk about perfecting your perfect encore strategy.

So if you want to take part in the plan, click the link down below, take
advantage of the free trial, and we'll see you over at

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