If You Dread Bunkers Try this Simple Sand Technique
{“@context”:”http:\/\/schema.org\/”,”@id”:”https:\/\/womensgolf.com\/simple-sand-technique#arve-vimeo-1009936053″,”type”:”VideoObject”,”embedURL”:”https:\/\/player.vimeo.com\/video\/1009936053?dnt=1&app_id=122963&transparent=0&title=1&byline=0&portrait=0&autoplay=1″,”name”:”Simple Sand Technique for Golfers Who Dread Bunkers”,”thumbnailUrl”:”https:\/\/i.vimeocdn.com\/video\/1927212889-fcbf7666ce95b01325b3142350f94284ee6d60847a891dd3d34dc7c76ac48abf-d_640″,”uploadDate”:”2024-09-22T09:06:43+10:00″,”author”:”Women’s Golf”,”duration”:”PT8M56S”,”description”:”A Game Changing Sand Technique for Weekend Golfers\nKaren Palacios Jansen.\n\nYour better-golfer friend, husband, or wife may offer advice on getting out of the sand, but their tips might not work for you. Why? First, they might be stronger than you, so their strength overtakes their technique. Second, they\u2019ve likely honed their technique over years of practice. And third, they may not be explaining it in a way that clicks for you. This can be frustrating and make you dread bunker shots even more.\n\nThe traditional method\u2014opening the clubface, quickly picking up the club on the backswing, and coming down steeply into the sand with a short follow-through\u2014might not suit you. Here\u2019s a different, more reliable approach for weekend golfers to escape bunkers, and it\u2019s a total game-changer.”}
The post If You Dread Bunkers Try this Simple Sand Technique appeared first on Women's Golf.