– What's up guys, it's Trevor at Embers, really, really exciting day. We have our Gen4 PXG demo set. Guess what just showed up. A full set of Gen5. You heard me right, Gen5. I'm excited, let's open
these out of the box. Let's test them up against the Gen4s. Let's go. (upbeat music) All right, Gen5s, first and foremost, make sure to subscribe to the channel. Tell us what you guys think. If you're in the Denver, Colorado area, you can come down and get fitted today, or come check out our barbecues. We have an awesome showroom
down here, can hit some clubs. Whatever you want to do. Look at this Gen5 stuff. I think this is the iron set. So here's the deal, these are supposed to have a
wider, or bigger, sweet spot and you're supposed to have big gains.
Kaboom, baby, that's what PXG says. Not what I say, that's what they say. Only one way to find out. We're gonna' put 'em in the launch monitor and see if they go further than our Gen4s. Now these irons have the
same shafts as our Gen4s so it should be a pretty
accurate side by side test. I'm kind of nervous. We got a set coming in the elite black and a set coming in the chrome. I think these are the black, let's see. Oh, these are my Sugar Daddies. We know that's coming in the set too but we already have a video on those, so we're not gonna' talk
about the Sugar Daddies today, although they're awesome. If you wanna' know
about the Sugar Daddies, check out our video. Here we go. Oh mama, look at that. There's a wedge.
So we got these little tungsten insets and they're called Black Label Elite. Check that out. Now for comparison's sake let's check this out to Gen4, Black Label. So they both have this adjustable
weight in the center here. Then obviously these
weights here on the side, looks like these have a
tungsten inset in them. And then you can see the PXG
logo's a little bit bigger, a little bit different design. These are both the P
set, so the player set. I'm an average golfer so they're kind of built
for an average guy like me. Anyways, that's the wedge. Okay now as a word of caution, I guess not a word of caution, obviously I'm not a golf pro.
This is not a golf pro
review of these clubs. I'm an average golfer. I own this store. We do barbecues and fittings
here, but I love golf. So I'm giving you a
review as a common golfer. So that's more of the review
angle than versus a pro. Here's that 8 iron, look at that 8 iron. How sexy is that? Here's the thing, here's
my biggest question and why I want to get
these in the simulator. Wow, 6 iron, baby. Why do I want to get
these in the simulator? I love Gen4. I think the Gen4 irons
are the best I've ever hit and I just don't know how
you can improve on it. So the Gen4s are really stinking good. That's why I'm really anxious to see if we actually gain any
performance with Gen5 because you can get a
super deal on a Gen4 set. Question is, is are we
gonna' see any improvement from an average golfer, a guy like me. I would think you'd see more improvement from an average golfer, 'cause we're not gonna' be as consistent as like a pro hitting them.
Where they see marginal gains,
maybe we'll see big gains. I don't know. It's like working out, you know,
at first you see big gains, realize big gains, but I don't
know what I'm talking about. All right, let's get
these irons outta' here. I have a full fairway set too. So we got fairway woods
and driver, Gen5 too. But first, let's test the irons,
let's start with the irons. Let's do a test, then we'll
look at the data quick. What club should we try? Most common club I would say is a 7 iron. So let's do a 7 iron. Now, again, for full consistency here.
Here's my Gen4 7 iron. So you can see, got the same shafts in
them, identical shafts, and then I have the same
club head weights in them. So it should be a very,
very accurate test. So let's clear this out, we're gonna' do about 10
shots, or so, with the 7 iron. (thud) See that's what I'm talking about. It's kind of hard to beat a Gen4. I mean I shanked it left, but. 198 yards, Gen4. What kind of gains are we
gonna' see on a 7 iron? Let's get a good average going here. (thud) Now I'm gonna' beat you guys to it, I know I don't have the best swing.
You guys always let me know
in the comment section. This is an amateur golf review. I think amateur reviews are helpful 'cause when I'm researching clubs all I see is professional
perspectives, which isn't bad, but it doesn't help me
as an average consumer. So I'm a 90's golfer, weekend warrior. Every once in a while I'll
send it and go high 80's, maybe mid 80's on a really good day, if I'm tuned up real nice. Again, this is a review
from an amateur perspective, but let's keep going. (thud) Oh, that one striped. That one striped. (upbeat music) (upbeat music continues) All right, let's look at the data. 10 shots. My average is 199, Gen4 7 iron. Disclaimer, we are in Denver. I have this set to Denver
altitude, 5,200 feet. So my ball's gonna' go a
little bit further here. Probably with sea level,
probably lose 15, 20 yards or so.
Spin rate about 4,500. That's about kind of where I
want to be with the 7 iron. I tend to launch the ball a little bit low but you can see we have good
distance, good spin rate. Now let's switch to
Gen5, see what happens. Make sure all of my
settings are identical. Woo, I'm nervous. See if we see any gains. I'm also curious if it feels any different off the club face. (thud) Oh, that felt great. Look at that thing. Just dead straight. (upbeat music) They are higher launching. I don't know what's going
on, the shaft is the same, but they're getting up in the air higher and I'm not losing any yardage. 207. Holy cow, I don't hit a 7 iron 207 yards. (upbeat music) All right, now, let's compare. So Gen4, our ball speed 114 miles an hour, launch angle 17 and a
half, 4,400 backspin, I average 178 yards carry,
and average 199 yardage. Look down here. Ball speed 3 miles per hour faster, higher launch angle, 2
degree higher launch angle, that's what you want,
little bit better spin rate, and then check this out,
206, gained 7 yards.
You know what 7 yards will
do to an amateur, a lot. That'll shave off a couple strokes. So we increased our ball speed, we increased our launch angle,
we increased our back spin, which is what you want
on an iron, lower iron. And we increased our carry by 9 yards and we increased our total yards. So you can see the ball
was running out further with the Gen4 and we're
able to stop the ball a little bit better with the Gen5. Now again, this is amateur data and that's real and
that makes a difference. All right, now here
come the fairway stuff. Look at this, Gen5 driver. I have not even seen what
this thing looks like. I have no idea. Woo, that is clean and crisp. Look at that carbon fiber, the whole top of the head is carbon fiber.
Now this bottom, pretty clean looking. Let's compare it to the Gen4. I play the XF because remember,
I'm an amateur golfer. There's Gen4. So they moved the weights around. And then the top of the head, here's the difference. What I'm gonna' do, I did get different shafts on these, so to make it more accurate what I'm gonna' do is
do five with this shot, then I'm gonna' put this
head on this same shaft. That way we have a good
apples to apples comparison. Now I have a feeling this is
not gonna' be quite as accurate as I want it to be because that 7 iron I'm pretty consistent with,
driver gets a little squirrely. So I might not have good
apples to apples shots where I'm consistent
with my ball striking. (calm music) All right, five more. (calm music) Okay. Gen4, 137 miles an hour, back spin just okay, see my carry and yardage
is not that great. Definitely not the most
consistent with my driver.
Okay, ball speed, gained 5
miles an hour on our ball speed. Check this out, carry 240, total 267. So we average 267, with our other guy 252. So we gained 15 yards and that's me being pretty inconsistent. So I'm your amateur golfer. Man, I'm sweaty. Let's just take a peek at
some of the other clubs quick. Here's the deal is you could
talk about being a salesman, or you know, we like to sell PXGs and we'd rather sell Gen5s,
whatever the case may be.
The data's the data. I mean, I gained speed in my ball speed. In every stat, the data
was better with Gen5. It just was. Look at that 7 wood,
that's sexy right there. And then check this out. I got a new hybrid. Here's the hybrid. Look at that. How sweet is that? So there's the Gen5. I don't have time to to demo each one. If you guys wanna' see
more statistics versus Gen4 let me know and I'll do
side by side comparisons. That's the Gen5. The Gen5 is better, the data is better. It's a better club. It's gonna' improve your golf game. It's worth it over Gen4. That being said, if you
can't swing, no pun intended, if you can't swing a set
of Gen5s, financially, Gen4 is still some of the best iron sets, I think specifically with their irons, on the market today, I'd
put 'em up against anybody.
But Gen5 is gonna' be even better. So no reason not to go Gen5. Stay tuned for next time..