Used vs. New Golf Clubs – Testing TaylorMade Drivers

[Music] foreign [Music] golfers Lou here for 
golf Avenue and today we're trying out drivers   that's right we're going to compare different 
generations of TaylorMade drivers against one   another we'll compare the three latest driver 
releases against model from 5 and 10 years ago in   an attempt to see is newer really better alright 
so before we go any further we'll be taking a look   at the drivers we'll be testing out today I've 
got a few drivers with me the oldest one we'll   be looking at is the SLDR from 2014 we'll be 
looking at the M4 from 2018 the M5 from 2019   Sim to Max from 2021 the stealth in 2022 and this 
year's newest releases the stealth 2.

So for this   test we'll be using a trackman simulator in order 
to give you the best data possible on each strike   we make with the drivers the system should allow 
us to compare different data points in order to   see which driver is really the best one or 
which one is giving us the best performance   so here's how the testing will be going today 
I'll be hitting all the shots with the drivers   we'll be keeping three best drives from each age 
clubs which will serve other basis to compare the   performance from one another also this test will 
allow us to answer a few key questions that our   experts have been asked before from some of you 
guys at home questions such as which generation   offers best performance or which generation 
is the most forgiving or which generation is   the best bargain for let's say a beginner an 
intermediate golfer or even an expert golfer   so make sure to stick around until the end 
of this video to see which driver performed   best which one was most forgiving and which one 
was best for beginners intermediate and expert   golfers we'll win one more thing before I forget 
guys so real quick we're going to be using a dtl   camera just so you can get all the angles when 
I'm hitting the balls we're going to be fast   forwarding through the shots just so we make the 
video more efficient more tightly but aside from   that you'll still get to see all the balls and 
see how I've hit him and now they perform and   how each trajectory you want on the screen so 
make sure to stick around and see all of this [Music] all right guys we just finished with the testing 
phase now it's time to compare our drivers we'll   be looking at each one of them separately and 
then we'll compare all of them together and   we'll answer the question that we post at the 
start of this video so let's start with the   Sim 2 max that's the first driver I started my 
testing phase let's see what the results were   foreign [Music] Max I've always personally 
like it's a driver that has always felt like   it suits me when I'm addressed at a dress 
standing over the ball right off the tee   um it feels nice for me it looks nice for me but 
from what I've seen with the data that I've guided   from my test I can confidently say that it's not 
only suitable for me but it would probably be   suitable for any golfer looking for a reliable 
and forgiving driver in terms of performance I   did not hit my longest drives with the Sim 2 max 
but it did feel nice on every single strike I was   hitting and it was definitely the club that 
felt most comfortable for me throughout the   entire testing phase it needs to be said that we 
use a club head with a 9 degree loft this is the   lowest Loft we use for this test and it probably 
skewed the numbers a bit just made the strikes a   bit further with the Sindhu Max but it's not you 
know World frankly the 10 and a half degrees from   just as well and the launching the dynamic launch 
angle that I gathered from the test and from   the trackman were pretty much similar around 14 
degrees for all the clubs but I have to say this   intermax is quite impressive to me and I would 
recommend it that any golfer out there simply for   the feel and the Forgiveness that it provides off 
of every single strike [Music] [Applause] [Music]   next up we have the stealth driver from TaylorMade 
released in 2022 this driver made a lot of noise   upon release simply for the fact that it had a 
full Club face made out of carbon fiber entirely   it was the first for TaylorMade not a first 
in the industry though for those of you that   don't know what I'm talking about we're talking 
about 60 layers of carbon fiber stacked on top of   one another to make a very strong resistant Club 
face for the stealth that was one of the biggest   biggest selling point it was one of the bigger 
topic of the year in 2020 who when it first came   out on the market and it's also part of the reason 
why I was so apprehensive to hitting this club I   didn't know what to expect I don't know what what 
the feel was going to be like uh hitting the ball   off the club face and after hitting it I can 
confidently say that it does feel great off the   club face it's not your typical feel that you get 
with a titanium Club face but it does feel nice   and it's extremely consistent that was the biggest 
thing for me my dispersion was the lowest of all   the clubs I used even though I said the Sim 2 max 
felt better for me the dispersion with the stealth   was the lowest one of all of them all I felt like 
when I went to put a certain the ball on a certain   line I was able to get it on that very line in 
terms of distance it was in the craziest one it   did provide plenty of distance and on every single 
strike but it did not feel like it was the most   the best performing for me in terms of distance 
overall the stealth driver is an excellent choice   for any golfer looking for forgiveness on the golf 
course and you'll even be able to get a little   more extra distance out of it if you have an older 
driver from maybe five or ten years ago but since   it was only released a year ago the stealth will 
still hold a very good military value which means   that if you want to get one in your bag you might 
have a shell a bit more cash in if you were to   look at some older options that were released a 
few years ago talking about older options let's   take a look at one that was released five years 
ago and I'm talking about the TaylorMade M5 driver as I mentioned before the M5 was released in 
2018 but it gained full notoriety in 2019 when   tiger used it to win his fifth green jacket 
it's the wonder that big cat loved this club   he got to adjust it to specific liking with the 
rail mounted adjusted weight on the sole of the   club and he also got to make the most out of twist 
face from TaylorMade which allows him to control   every strike and pinpoint the exact location 
off the club face when he wanted to this is very   interesting and very important with M5 because one 
of the things I noticed when I was testing it is   that if you're not going to hit the sweet spot or 
if you're not gonna really Hammer the spot you're   going to hit you're going to be in trouble one of 
the things that was said about tiger in 2019 on   the back nine is he was going and we'll just use 
a club here as an example he was going really more   closer to the heel or more that section right here 
to find Fairways with the driver personally when I   was sitting this section of the club it didn't 
go as well for me because then the Tiger Woods   obvious me but when I did manage to hit the sweet 
spot or a little higher near the the toe of the   club um that was really The Sweet Spot and you 
could feel the by the ball flying off it and I   was really able to control the ball at that point 
but if you're going to miss the sweet spot and hit   maybe a little more off the toe a little off the 
heel higher in the club face lower the club face   uh you're gonna struggle it's normal this club 
is definitely distant for higher higher hand   skill players players are able to shave the ball 
around the golf course and really hit the same   spot in the club on the club face consistently 
but it needs to be said that if you're a golfer   looking for more forgiveness any of your club 
that will provide you with more consistency   on every strike even if you miss a sweet spot 
then I'd probably have something for you the M4 okay now for a forgiving option and for uh it was 
released a year before the M5 and it's definitely   the opposite of what the M5 is supposed to do with 
dm4 is there to provide you with forgiveness and   to help players who are not as consistent with 
their strike still find a fair way and they hit   longer strikes uh one of the things with the 
M4 was the introduction of the twist space that   I mentioned earlier with the M5 the M4 was the 
introduction of the twist face to the TaylorMade   line and it clearly makes a difference I was able 
to make I was able to benefit off of it when I was   testing out testing earlier to clubs and I can say 
that even my off center strikes felt pretty good   and I was never really terribly in trouble even if 
I missed the The Sweet Spot in the club face the   ball would never fly off too far offline or would 
never make something crazy one thing that needs to   be said about the M4 is that in terms of distance 
it Stacks up really well to the brand new drivers   in terms of carry and average carry distance this 
was the longest driver for me during my testing   phase it did not roll out as long as some of the 
newer drivers simply because the spin rates from   for a disk driver are way higher this is another 
thing that's in place to help golfers with the   slower slower swing speed get the ball up in the 
air when they hit the ball at the ball off the   team so what I would say about the M4 is that 
for a driver that is uh like five or six years   old now it still Stacks up very very well to the 
newer models or market so if you're in the market   for a new driver but you're looking for something 
forgiving and you're in in the market for use or   pre-loved drivers uh the M4 I really strongly 
suggest looking into that one it performs very   well offers a lot of forgiveness and feels great 
off the club face I would recommend it to any   golfer looking for just something reliable 
off the tee but while the M4 still Compares   well to this brand new drivers it'd probably be 
interesting to take another trip bag down memory   lane and see how far can we go back in time to 
compare to these brand new drivers maybe the SLDR [Music]   talking about the SLDR from TaylorMade yeah that's 
right the oldest driver we're testing out today uh   it was also the driver as it was most excited to 
try out simply because I was so excited to see how   well it would match up compared to those brand new 
drivers I'll also get to also got the test during   our testing phase one I think I'll say about the 
SLDR right after that it's the look it's got that   old school look of the big clubhead titanium look 
that we love and it's still got that pingy sound   that we used to love from titanium heads not as 
bad maybe as perhaps like the Sasquatch driver if   you guys remember that that was the loudest of 
the bangs and this is still a pretty good pain   knowing you like to hear it and nice old school 
feel if you if you will as soon as you flip the   club over it's not that old school you'll see that 
there's a rail Mountain adjusted weight much like   the M5 at the M5 S2 wanted to heal on the back of 
the the sole one running across from the face to   the back of the of the soul in the case of 
SLDR they just got one great running along   was sold near the face of the club again this is 
simply there to help you adjust the club to your   liking and whatever ball trajectory you prefer 
what else about the SLDR is that it's surprisingly   still Compares very well to the new drivers while 
dressed you'll fit into the room right away the   distances are not as free the discrepancy is very 
minor though it's probably five to ten yards at   Max depending on driver depending on swing speed 
and depending on where I was with the testing I   think it was in the later drivers that I tested 
so I might have been a little more tired but the   distance discrepancy is not that major compared to 
the price that you would be paying for a brand new   driver who would give you those five to ten extra 
yards so this is a crossroad right this is where   you got to ask yourself am I willing to pay the 
extra money two three four hundred dollars more   that I would have to pay for the newest driver on 
the market to gain five or ten yards or should I   stick with the older model from a couple of years 
ago or maybe five ten years ago that will give   me pretty much the same performance on the course 
but I'll be saving again for 500 on the price tag   so this is where you have to make a decision 
when it comes to these types of drivers but in   terms of performance of forgiveness really hard to 
not the SLDR in this case it still performs very   well one thing about the Forgiveness of dsldr 
is that it won't be as overwhelming as it was   with the M4 simply because the SLDR was designed 
as a Players Club which meant that you've seen   it with the rail-mounted adjustment weight it 
is meant to be adjusted to the specific needs   of the golfer so that they can maximize their 
performance and it's not necessarily made to   be super for gaming like the M4 so I although 
I didn't have any trouble finding a fairway   it's not its primary job on when you're out on 
the course this job is more to maximize your   performance but as I mentioned earlier this is no 
wonder that dsldr is made for performance it's got   the rails just like the M5 and like some still 
newer models that TaylorMade is really releasing   and while we're on the subject of newer models 
we might as well look at the last driver from   our test and what also happens to be the newest 
driver in the list there's still two for sale [Music]   it was released earlier this year as a follow-up 
to this original stealth as you can obviously   guess the differences between the two are mostly 
minor almost uh only cosmetic if you look at the   original Sim you'll see when you look at the club 
face especially nearing around the club face on   the edge of the club face there's a slight Edge I 
don't know how to call it other any other way this   small Edge is very thin and near the bottom and 
the side edges of the club face but if you look   at the top the top line of the club face this 
small Edge becomes wider this same Edge can be   found on the newer model however the larger part 
it runs all around the club face this time around   and we've seen online some videos of people 
happening at their Club face exploit off their   stealth driver the original one I think that's 
one of the things that tell me wanted to tackle   with this small change just to avoid having Club 
face exploding all around the golf courses with   golfers being unhappy with their clubs right so 
one thing about the Stealth 2 is they feel for   the ball off the club face is much better from the 
original I didn't spend too much time on that from   the original this that was one of my complaints it 
was it was really hard to have a feel for the ball   simply because there was the new carbon fiber face 
I think it was it was it's still a new technology   something's tend to be developed and and improve 
but there's already Improvement showing with the   second Club because hitting ball I I was really 
more able to feel where I was making contact   with the ball off the club face that also leads 
me to one thing is that I was never really able   to find a sweet spot for me with this into uh the 
stealth tube I always felt like I I was able to   make good contact with them all but never really 
find this spot that was the right one for me but   on the other side the great thing about this club 
is that TaylorMade markets it has fargiveness so   this all this is a combination obviously of 
far and forgiveness in the sense that yes the   stealth 2 flies far it goes very very far when 
you hit it but it also needs to be said that the   forgiveness is not lacking on this one it was by 
far the most forgiving Club I knew even if I was   like I said I couldn't really find my sweet spot 
but even if when I was missing a sweet spot I was   still hitting very good strikes that were not too 
far away from the Fairway even off-centered ones   overall there's no denying the quality of the 
stealth too I was able to hit my longest drive   with it the feel for the ball was amazing and it 
was highly forgiving if you're willing to spend   the money on it and if you're into the market 
for a brand new driver this is definitely a great   option for anyone so with strawberry seemed like 
the best bargain for beginners intermediate and   advanced golfers well the answers will probably 
make sense for most so let's start with beginners   budget wise I would always recommend the SLDR 
it's the best value that you're gonna get still   performs great still offers plenty of forgiveness 
and it's super affordable for most people   especially if you're just trying to build your 
first bag and this should come in at about like   we'll say 150 maybe a little more maybe a little 
less depending on the season depending on the time   of the year depending on a bunch of circumstances 
and also the condition which also can affect   the price at any time you should be able to 
get this driver for relatively low price or   a quarter or even less of what you'd be 
paying for this you hear the style too   um if if you can afford to spend a little more uh 
maybe go with the M4 honestly as as I mentioned   and you guys have heard already I've been tracing 
this driving like crazy today and I really believe   that this one can fit in any golfer's bag 
especially golfers looking for more forgiveness   this is the way to go for you and it's still super 
affordable right now again when you compare it to   newer drivers in the market but if money is the 
object to you and if you've got not a limited   funds but if you got a sizable budget and you just 
want to spend on the best clubs possible that will   last you the longest time well they all the answer 
is quite obvious here the most forgiving one even   for beginners will be the stealth 2 driver super 
forgiving flights great of the cup face and you'll   never never have any trouble with it and like with 
such a brand new technology with carbon fiber Club   faces you'll probably be set for the next 10 
years and your Club will be relevant again down   line and we'll probably perform just as well 
as other drivers that will be on the market at   this time so in terms of intermediate golfers and 
men in the cappers much like me I would probably   turn towards something a little more pricier 
simply just because it'll get more performance   out of your driver but also I would go towards 
something a little more recent just because I   want to get again more performance out of my 
driver so in this case I would go with the Sim   2 max if you're looking for something a little 
more forgiving and something that'll allow you   to still make mistakes off the tee with your 
strikes but still perform very well at any time   or if you're looking to make something happen on 
the course or trying to get around some trees or   shave a shot the Cinemax will still allow you to 
do that without too much Sim 2 Maxi or nuts and   Max but if you're looking to spend a little more 
again and you're looking to get getting to the   next level of skill as golf wise the stealth will 
be the move for you the original style it flew   great for me it went far I personally the only 
knock I would give it is the feel for the ball   of the club face but that's really not the end 
of the world otherwise it'll give you excellent   performance especially if you're mid-end you can't 
really have I'll probably allow you to to unlock   that next step you're trying to get to finally 
for experienced players or Advanced players you   probably know what I'll recommend already but I'll 
be going with the M5 from TaylorMade as I said   um the performance when you hit the sweet spots 
are incredible you're able to shape it the way you   want it you're able to push it as far as you can 
depending on your swing speed the one thing though   is that if you're not consistent of the tea you're 
going to struggle with that clock missing missing   The Sweet Spot is that that sentence if you will 
off the tee uh you're not going to get the results   you want you're going to have either a really 
short drive or something that's completely out   of line for experienced players I would also go 
with the style 2 or this the original stealth the   only thing is I would probably go with the player 
models for these ones so the stealth plus and this   L2 plus just because these drivers are probably 
better suited for players with a faster swing   speed and also someone who might be looking 
to take their performance to the next level   or maybe to their limits uh these the plus models 
for these drivers would probably serve you best   and allow you to unlock all your capabilities on 
the course I hope this video has provided you with   some helpful insight on how TaylorMade drivers 
have developed over the years and that it has   helped you figure out which one is best for you 
for more content featuring all your favorite golf   clubs from back in the day make sure to subscribe 
to Golf Avenue Channel and to grow the community   make sure to leave us a like and one more thing 
before I go if you're interested in any of the   golf club mentioned in a video if you want to take 
a closer look at it or maybe add one to your bag   for next season or for the season coming make 
sure to head down into comments we left a link   to each one of these drivers so you can take 
a personal look at each one of them and see   maybe which one will be best for you for Golf 
Avenue I've been Lou until next time [Music]

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